Showing: 21 - 27 of 27 RESULTS
Tarology June 8 and 15 at 1pm


Come learn TAROLOGY! What is it and what will it do for you?Your life story matters because it belongs to you. That means you can tell it however you choose.When …

Smudge Wand Making

Smudge Wand Making Workshop

🌿✨ Unleash the power of positive energy with our Smudge Wand Workshop! Join us for an enchanting experience where you’ll learn to craft your own smudge wands from locally sourced …

Lightsong Channeling Session June 4 2024 6pm

Channeling with LightSong

Join us on June 4th for Channeling with LightSong. During the session she will hold a meditation/journey with her Spirit Guides, EARTH MEDICINE and STAR DANCER. She will offer group …

Mind Body Spirit Metaphysical Faire

. Join us at the Mind Body Spirit Metaphysical Faire, embark on a transformative journey where the realms of mind, body, and spirit converge. Immerse yourself in a captivating experience …

Tarot Class

Discover the mystical world of Tarot with Tarot 101. This comprehensive guide is designed to help you unlock the secrets of the major and minor arcana, providing you with valuable …

radiant wellness may 4

Radiant Wellness Faire

Some of the best alternative practitioners in Oregon are gathering in North Bend to share their unique gifts and abilities. There will also be artists, jewelers, and crystals available. This …